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About us

It is a company that values honesty and trust.

The number one company in dispensers "ELOWN"

ELOWN mean osk in hebrew.
It is a company of GOD and a company that started with only one faith. It is a company that values honesty and trust.
ELOWN is a highly skilled company with four technologies.
  • Possession of rubber compounding technology (FKM / FFKM/ETC)

  • Possession of rubber molding technology

  • Possession 3D processing technology

  • Possession of firmware and hardware technologies

You will experience world-class application as the No. 1 dispenser in the 4th industry.
May God’s blessings and grace be filled with all who deal with ELOWN.
Thank you.
All ELOWN staff members
Copyright (C) ELOWN. All Rights Resreved.